Double Standards: Lt. Javier Rodriguez

Then Sergeant Javier Rodriguez, was assigned to the Narcotics Field Unit.  Corporal Reinaldo Peluzzo was also assigned to the Narcotics Field Unit.

While Peluzzo was in Florida, sunning and funning, he was supposed to be running and gunning, at least according to the Philadelphia Police Department’s Daily Attendance Record or (DARS).

Apparently, in the Narcotics Field Unit (NFU), it’s alright if the taxpayers pay cops who aren’t working.  Moreover; they get overtime.  This is the game now-Lieutenant Javier Rodriguez and Corporal Reinaldo Peluzzo were playing.  Stealing was apparently alright.  They were disciplined and both were suspended.

Javier Rodriguez was kicked out of NFU and put in the 25th District.  Peluzzo was kicked out of NFU and put in the 15th.  But apparently, stealing from taxpayers is okay for some people.  Instead of getting charged with a crime, they both received days.  It should be noted that Javier Rodriguez has a wife, Maria Ortiz Rodriguez who was in Internal Affairs.


Rumor has it that Ramsey was going to fire him, but he cried his kid is disabled.  Rumor also has it that Peluzzo, who was told to report to Internal Affairs, spoke with former Commissioner Charles Ramsey, when given the chance, and he too was spared.

Why didn’t the District Attorney’s Office charge them?  Why didn’t they charge Detective Richard Brown?  Detective Richard Brown paid back $92,000.00 of stolen money.  Why wasn’t he charged.  Moreover; the city recently paid a huge $300,000.00 settlement to a female police officer whom he allegedly harassed and retaliated against.  Her attorney, Brian Puricelli, (yes that one who also works for the FOP at times), received over $150,000.00 from the suit in fees.

Rodriguez allegedly aspires to be the first Latino something in the Department, which is a lofty goal, but you can’t get your goal if you are stealing.

Meanwhile, Sergeant Tyrone Cooke, was terminated.  His alleged crime, being late to work.  By the way, his lateness occured in 2002, but he wasn’t fired until 2010.

Javier Rodriguez went on to get promoted to Lieutenant.  Rodriguez is also still testifying in court.  This admitted thief, who wasn’t formally charged, but it attests to his character and his credibility on the witness stand.

In fact, his testimony was recently used at Court in the appeal of a man who was convicted and given a 15-40 year sentence in a homicide trial.  I’m sure the defense attorney’s were unaware of his past.

Lieutenant Jonathan Josey can’t seem to get promoted for the life of himself, for a punch. And because of that punch, the Police Department really doesn’t want to promote Josey. Maybe he can use this when and if Rodriguez tries to effortlessly climb the ladder if his theft isn’t called into question.

Recently promoted Captain Jamil Taylor can attest to that.  Captain Taylor didn’t steal, nor is he a woman beater.  But he was skipped.  Then-Sergeant Nashid Akil had a hard time trying to get promoted, and when he did manage to get promoted, the media had this to say about him.  Does anyone remember one peep about the theft of Javier Rodriguez at his promotional ceremony?  Ironically, his wife was quoted in the same article about now Lieutenant Nashid Akil.  jpromo19

This is what needs to come to the fore-front.  Double Standards.  The Defense Attorneys need to know also about the background of admitted thieves and liars.

But rest assured, they will know now.

“We have to end all this” cries Trauma Surgeon

This is the quote from Dr. Brian Williams of Parkland Hospital in Dallas Texas.  Yes, that Parkland Hospital.  The same one where President John F. Kennedy died after being assassinated on November 22, 1963.

Dr. Williams is a Trauma Surgeon.  Dr. Williams tried in vain to save the lives of the five Dallas Police Officers who were killed by Micah Johnson on July 8, 2016.

Dr. Williams is a black man.  Dr. Williams broke down in tears as he begged for an end to racial violence.  At a news conference on Monday afternoon he declared “This killing, it has to stop”.  He went to state that “black men are dying and being forgotten.  People retaliating against the people that are sworn to defend us.  We have to come together and end all of this.”

Dr. Williams expressed pain at the killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in Louisiana and Minnesota earlier in the week.  However; he was further sickened by the killings of the cops in his city.  Cops he tried in vain to save.

Dr. Williams stated that he “understand the anger and the frustration and distrust of law enforcement, but they are not the problem,” his voice quivering.  He believed “the problem is open discussions about the impact of race relations in this country”.  Williams declared also that “black men dying at the hands of police officers affected me.  I fit that demographic of individuals.  But I abhor what has been done to these officers and I grieve with their families.”

Dr. Williams said he has a young daughter is is teaching her how to interact with the police.  He says he often pick up the tab when he sees cops in restaurants and want his daughter to see a different purview of the police than he did.

“I want my daughter to see me interacting with police that way so she doesn’t grow up with the same burden that I carry”.

Dr. Williams advised the Dallas police to as a black man, he supports them.  However; it “doesn’t mean that I do not fear you.”  He further stated he would worry about his personal safety and have a “visceral reaction” and fear if he is approached by the police.

The problem is that an open dialogue about race has to happen.  It cannot be hampered by whites infusing “race baiting” and the “race card” into the equation.  Nor can it be hampered by blacks infusing the “victim” mentality and “all police shootings upon black men are bad shootings”.

This experience also exists within the ranks.  There are double standards.  It is apparent when it comes to discipline.  It is apparent when a cop perceives mistreatment in a district or unit.  It is apparent that black cops and black supervisors are not supported, by and large.  It is apparent that when an accusation is made against a black supervisor, the FOP immediately respond to the complaints made by officers.  However; when multiple complaints are made against supervisors who are a non-minority, the same service isn’t as swift.

There is less respect and more of a conspiracy, almost a “mutiny” mentality when it comes to black supervisors.  Especially when they are tasked to supervise in the less than minority friendly districts.

Double standards are pervasive.  And it has no place in policing.  There isn’t a justification for allowing cops who have committed crimes, like Lieutenant Raymond Murphy, where there is compelling evidence to suggest that he committed a crime, to remain in his position and not be accordingly charged.  Nor when you have groups of Police Officers committing other crimes and are only disciplined internally as opposed to being charged with theft of services.

Conversely, a black former police officer, Andre Boyer, who has been adamantly gathering and releasing compelling evidence to prove the theft, is now, according to Boyer’s writings, is getting attacked by the Fraternal Order of Police, or more specifically, according to Boyer, the Vice President of the FOP, John McGrody.

Boyer had been fired under dubious circumstances and is now suing the Fraternal Order of Police and it’s Vice President John McGrody, as was former Sergeant Tyrone Cook.

Meanwhile, Corporal Robert PawLOWski, makes offensive and racist comments at the FOP Lodge 5 headquarters, and are reported by other officers, there is no public rebuke of the behavior by police union.

When you have a police officer with the mentality of Corporal Robert Pawlowski, who was recruiting other officers to adopt his racist beliefs as exhibited by his racist behavior, in, of all places, the Fraternal Order of Police lodge, it has to end.Police Corporal Make Racial Slurs At FOP


Double standards when you can have a black supervisor, Sergeant Tyrone Cook, fired and loses his arbitration for being less than 15 minutes late.  Double standards when you have Police Officer John Hargraves, who was charged and his charges dismissed, but he loses his arbitration.  If this only involved John Hargraves, who is black, it wouldn’t raise any red flags.  But there are many officers who are alleging that black cops are losing their arbitration hearings and having to wait for a much longer time than white officers.

The standard many black officers have been using is Officers Thomas Liciardello, Brian Reynolds, Michael Spicer, Perry Betts, Linwood Norman, and John Speiser, who, after being acquitted of serious charges, are alleged to have received their jobs back and arbitration dates, at warp neck speed.  Ironically, one of them, former Officer Perry Betts, failed the drug test, and was promptly fired again.  One of Narcotics Six To Be Fired Again For Failing Drug Test

Double standards when you have Ray Evers, accused and charged with rape of a Temple student, charges were later dismissed at a Temple University frat house.  It was an alleged “gang bang”.  However; Evers called the encounter consensual.  Sexual Assault at Temple Frat: Police Officer Evers Accused

Then DA Lynne Abraham said the victim didn’t lie, “she didn’t have enough evidence to give us.”  Yet, Evers went on to be in the national spotlight by being given a police spokesman position, and was involved in a highly publicized bar fight in Avalon.  Even though the video surveillance, didn’t back up his version of the events in Avalon, he was never disciplined for his less than stellar behavior according to the cops in that jurisdiction.  Ray Evers Avalon Brawl

Double standards with Detective Kenneth Rossiter is only fired, as opposed to charged with stealing from the city coffers.Philly Cop fired for theft of OT  Double standards when ow retired Police Lieutenant Richard Brown is only required to pay back the money from his retirement funds when he retired as opposed to being charged.Cops Net Big Bounty with OT  And to add insult to injury, his black supervisor, Sharon Seaborough is disciplined because of his theft.

When you have cops doing mock hangings of black baby doll’s in Highway Patrol’s parking lot hanging from a ladder of a truck owned by Philadelphia Police Officer Michael Kelly.  When Police Officer Lonnie Adams and Brian James complained, they was retaliated against and ostracized according to their lawsuit.  Black Lynched Rag Doll Lawsuit

When you have cops having racist and offensive KKK related stickers on their lockers “Blue by Day, White by Night” and “White Power” and the Officers, Scott Schweizer and Eric Dial(now deceased), get suspended, but they land back in the 24th District.  A district where resident racist Corporal Robert PawLOWski, also landed after his 30 day suspension.  A district that is allegedly one of the most racist in the department.  A district where perhaps they will feel comfortable with their overt racist actions.

Double standards when a white officer, Anthony Magsam, allegedly steals hundreds of gun parts.Anthony Magsam Resigns  The white supervisor of Magsam, Lieutenant Vinnie TestaLieutenant Under Investigation Found Dead (who later commits suicide on the eve of the arrest of Magsam) not only protects him, but purportedly retaliates against the black supervisor, Sergeant Andrew Little, who has a duty to report the thefts.  Sergeant Little and Internal Affairs Lieutenant Leonard Logan, both filed a lawsuit regarding retaliation concerning this case.Whistle Blowers Who Report Theft Get Punished Files Suit

Simply put, this case reeks of a double standard,  white supervisor protects white cops, black supervisors are punished and an attempt is made to cover up the crime.  Cop Protected: Bosses Cover Up

These kinds of double standards within departments, which isn’t exclusive to Philadelphia, contributes to the distrust in police.  The scandal plagued San Francisco Police Department has recently been found by a report as having “institutionalized” bias. Blue Ribbon panel find pervasive bias in SFPD This after many incidents of cops within the department sending racist and homophobic text between cops and supervisors.  Institutionalized Bias Says Report

When racist website are allowed to exist, until a black police civic association sues, there is a problem.  Black Police Sue Over Racist Website  The white supervisor who was the “moderator” then-Sergeant Fredric McQuiggan was never disciplined.  McQuiggan continually was promoted with no fan-fare.  Yet a black supervisor, now Lieutenant Nashid Akil, made headlines over his promotion, because he was fired before.Once Fired Cop to be Promoted.  The media should have been notified of the promotion of Fred McQuiggan on at least two occasions.

Double standards when you have Charlie Green, then a Lieutenant, get disciplined for an entire squad of police officers assigned to the Vice Unit, stealing from the city, and he is transferred to Internal Affairs, of all places.  Green is then promoted and put in the Range.  No mainstream media coverage, no outrage.  Nothing.

Greg Riley, a white supervisor, is found guilty of egregious, arguably, crimes, and demoted, but sent back to the Impact Unit, and is summarily re-promoted.  Yet a black Lieutenant, Jamil Taylor, is skipped.

Former Police Officer Christopher Hulmes, was charged with perjury.  It took years, and the efforts of an ADA AJ Thomson, who stood up, and many concerned cops to continually report Hulmes lying in open court and admitting it.  Lying Cop Charged.

The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office was well aware of the perjury, yet they continued to call Hulmes to testify.  And all the while, never notifying the defense attorney’s of his background, even though they had previous knowledge about his lack of credibility.  This is a violation of the Brady rule.  Defense attorney’s had to find this information out on their own, well, with the assistance of a few whistle blowers.

In Brady, The United States Supreme Court placed a duty on prosecutors to turn over all evidence favorable to the accused in a criminal trial. When asked why this wasn’t a Brady violation, the DA stated it was because the officer who saw the exchange of money wasn’t the officer in dispute and therefore not relevant. Lawyers take DA to Task for Protecting Lying cop

Yet his was given a perjury pass by the Assistant District Attorney Terri Domsky.  ADA gives Lying COP ARD  Moreover; no one challenged Hulmes getting his pension.  Under civil service regulations, his crime occurred while he was working, thus, his pension should be forfeited.

We have to end all this.  Both inside the department and it will have a ripple effect outside the department.  If minorities have to live by double standards within police organizations, there is little wonder why they are doomed to live by double standards outside of them.

Everyone weeps when a police officer is killed in the line of duty.  It is at that time when police organizations become one.  There is a deep pain in the hearts of everyone about the heroes in Dallas.  It really hit home for us as a nation.  Americans were also outraged at the aftermath shooting of Philandro Castile that was streamed live by his girlfriend.  It was in our living rooms, like television did during the Vietnam War and radio did for World War II.  It was inescapable.

There is a travel advisory for Caribbean people visiting the United States because of these series of events.  The Bahamas, a Caribbean nation where most people identify as being of African heritage, issued this warning to it’s citizens on Friday to be careful when visiting U.S. cities rocked by “shootings of young black males by police officers.”  Scary.

As President Obama exclaimed today in Dallas, “our righteous anger can be transformed into more justice” and more peace.  But we have to begin by having real meaningful dialogue.  Acknowledge there is a problem.  And begin to administer the same standard to all cops, regardless of their color, gender or creed.

Robert Pawlowski
Raymond Murphy


Vincent Testa
Kenneth Rossiter
Retired Lieutenant Richard Brown
Ray Evers


Frederic McQuiggan

Promotions: The Double Standard

The promotional list is the eagerly anticipated proof that one has supposedly studied hard and subsequently placed on the civil service list of the next rank.  It is gossiped about in all districts and units.  You hear whispers of “how did (fill in the blank) pass the test”, or “oh I know I’m going to study now because I can’t let (fill in the blank) out rank me”.

The problem is that when it comes to actually getting promoted, there is a double standard.  Why is it that folks who commit heinous infractions, are simply promoted to the next rank with little or no fan fare.  Conversely, folks who have the either no disciplinary action, or a simple infraction, or in some instances, are “under investigation”, are not promoted.  What’s worst, in recent times, the background of the individual is leaked to the media.  Once Fired Sergeant To Be Promoted

The case of the double standard comes into play when the subject of the above article, recently promoted Lieutenant Akil Nashid, was skipped on multiple occasions to the rank of Lieutenant.  That wasn’t reported.  It wasn’t reported that the reason for his “skip” was not revealed.  It was only speculation from others.  Conversely, we have the odd case of one now-Captain Charles Green.  This guy always lands on his feet.

Charles Green supervises an entire unit, City Wide Vice, where their members decides that it is alright to steal money from the City.  In the spirit of Lieutenant Richard Brown Creative Cop Stealing Overtime and Detective Kenneth RossiterTheft of Overtime, they felt entitled to the money.  Rossiter, who wasn’t charged criminally, (believe it or not), won his job back through arbitration.  He then sues the City for, wait for it:  not getting due process. Rossiter Sues City

Brown was allowed to quietly retire,however; he was not criminally charged.  Two police officers who reported his “creative” bookkeeping were retaliated against and sued the city.

Yet, then-Lieutenant Charles Green was disciplined for Neglect of Duty, because it had been determined that City Wide Vice unit personnel engaged in theft of services and they believed as a whole “there was little to no likelihood of this behavior being discovered.”  This incident never made the media.

Green received a reprimand and was transferred to Internal Affairs.  Shortly thereafter; he was promoted to the rank of Captain and sent to the Range.  Huh?  This promotion never made the media.

Lieutenant Greg Riley, was demoted over an incident in which a subordinate beat a prisoner over the head with a police radio.   Although he was demoted and transferred, he was transferred back to the Impact Unit.  You know Impact, the unit that investigates criminal activity by cops.  Once again, no logistical officer.  Or simply a “solid”.  There are plenty of cops without any disciplinary action, that would love to be transferred to this unit.

The cover-up, Riley engaged in, was worst than the crime.  The same with recently deceased Lieutenant Vincent Testa, the cover-up was worst than the crime.   Testa, according to official police documents, told other personnel who were present when Magsam admitted to the thefts, and admitted he had hidden more stolen gun parts around the unit, stated to his staff,we’re going to handle this “in-house”.  He also said he didn’t want to “embarass Officer Magsam’s step-father (Chief Inspector Feeney) and if the incident got out, they would shut the unit down.”  He further ordered that no one talk about the theft outside the unit.   There’s a pattern in the Police Department where certain supervisors decide to cover-up their subordinates criminal acts.

None of the people involved in the Riley incident were charged with a crime.  Testa committed suicide and former Officer Anthony Magsam was arrested the next day.  Cop Arrested for Theft of Gun Parts  It should be noted that it took years, and whistleblowers working outside the department, to ensure they were bought to justice.  Testa was simply transferred to the 39th District and received 30 days suspension.  He was never considered to be put in DPR until the Police Department was put on notice that criminal charges were pending in the matter.

Recently promoted Captain Jamil Taylor was skipped.  Based on an “investigation”.  The investigation did not involve anything criminal, or theft.  But Green was promoted without delay.  No problem.  No one complained.

Lieutenant Javier Rodriguez received a suspension and a transfer after he falsified records and “defrauded the City of Philadelphia” by theft of overtime.  Internal Affairs established that Rodriguez violated the Home Rule Charter 10-108 Unlawful Acts Pertaining to Civil Service which 10-108 (4) states:

(4) Any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall upon conviction, in addition to any penalties and punishment provided for hereafter, for a period of five years be ineligible for appointment to or employment in any position under the City.

The wording “defrauded” was used, however; Rodriguez was not charged with theft of services.  Rossiter was not charged with theft of services.  Brown was not charged with theft of services.  Brown was upset because the stolen funds was deducted from his retirement pay.  The FOP tried to intervene, to no avail.

In fact, FOP Vice President John McGrody wrote a letter to the City requesting documents related to the money withheld from Brown’s terminal leave payment.  The City’s position was “it is our position that the FOP does not represent retired employees”, yet the documents were turned over to McGrody.  The writer of that correspondence, John J. Gaittens, hired by the FOP to a position in the Law Enforcement Health Benefits.  (LEHB).  It follows a pattern if you know what I mean.

Nicholas Schneider, who now holds the rank of Lieutenant, was delayed by only a few days, but still promoted, after he falsified the DARS and defrauded the city by entering himself as in MPO,while not actually in MPO.  Schneider is also not allowed to testify in court.  After Schneider’s misdeeds were discovered, he was angry about being “snitched” out by other supervisors.   Schneider wasn’t charged with theft of services, nor perjury.

Schneider was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, on the heels of the theft of services.  This was not a story in the media, as Lieutenant Nashid’s promotion was blared in the paper.

Captain Fred McQuiggan was the “moderator” of a racist website for years.  Racist Website/PPD Response  He “moderated” this website, allegedly, on city computers, on city time.  He was sued.  Black Cops Sue Over Racist Website

Fred McQuiggan has worked consistently in the Computer Unit throughout his ranks.  McQuiggan never had an issue getting promoted.  McQuiggan was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, no problem.  McQuiggan was promoted to the rank of Captain, no problem.  McQuiggan has never hit the streets during his promotions.  McQuiggan is not some invaluable employee in the Computer Unit.  There are alot more qualified and officers who have more recent training in the IT world, than McQuiggan.

Having McQuiggan stay in the same unit is a slap in the face of every cop in the department.  Especially those who have been skipped, denied transfers or fired on a lot less.

The reality is that all these people have been promoted with serious charges against them.  Most were charged departmentally with fraud, and received suspensions and one only received a reprimand.

None of these individuals were charged criminally with theft.  They were all promoted. Akil Nashid was skipped on multiple occasions.  Jamil Taylor was skipped.

One has to wonder what the FOP does in these cases.  Maybe that’s why they’re being sued by so many of their members.

Former Sergeant Tyrone Cooke‘s trial against the FOP and their attorney Mark Gelman begins later this month.

Maybe it’s time for more cops to get on board.  Maybe it’s time for those who are skipped on these promotional lists, those who are fired and/or charged with crimes, and those who are not transferred while watching lesser qualified, and people with less time, are transferred into special units.

You should educate yourself about Civil Service Regulations, the Home Rule Charter and the Pennsylvania Statutes regarding theft.

See something; Say something!