Double Standards: Promotions

There are many whispers in the Department about who’s getting promoted and who will be disappointed.

Double Standards never exist, but especially when it comes to promotions.  If you make vile, racist comments, you should not be promoted, period.

There was a recent study conducted by Stanford University that asserts that uncomfortable dialogue is a way to start to combat racism.  The researchers concluded that “you need to stop yelling ‘Racist!’ at anyone who doesn’t see the world exactly as you do. Somehow you need to find enough common ground for a real conversation about race. Very few people are stupid or irredeemably mean.”  We hope this last part is true.

However; rumor has it that Captain Deshawn Beaufort is expected to get 30 days allegedly, for racist remarks.  If true, he needs to join the ranks of Corporal Robert Pawlowski, who rumor has it, will not be promoted.

The Police Department is checking the list, and checking twice, they’re gonna find out who’s been naughty or nice.  There will be a lot of coal given out this season.

Lieutenant Daniel Ginion reportedly, who was fast and reckless with the rules, using the City vehicle to get his work-out on, and took said vehicle, out of the City.  The nemesis of Ginion, Lieutenant Marc Hayes may be added to the naughty list.

Lieutenant Marc Hayes, who reportedly used his cell phone to send inappropriate images to other cops.  Those images were seen by almost anyone who works in East Division.  Therefore, Hayes should be careful before lying to IAB investigators.

Lieutenant Marques Newsome, who reportedly was added to the list, for a litany of offenses, including one, which arguably, he was already punished by getting arrested and fired.   #MeToo is probably being applied because it was applied to Lieutenant Steve O’Brien.

O’Brien was fired for failing a drug test involving illegal steroid use, as O’Brien was involved in a federal investigation that nabbed other cops.  While O’Brien lost the unemployment case, he won his job back.  However; O’Brien was accused of domestic assault by an ex partner.  Either of these would be compelling reasons for O’Brien to be passed over for promotion.

In the charges of domestic assault against Newsome, it was reported that “Newsome allegedly pummeled the woman badly enough that she suffered a broken nose, orbital bone and jaw. She was left with black eyes and gashes that required stitches, and had to be taken to an area hospital by police for treatment”.    However; it has been reported, Newsome has some other issues that must be addressed.

There are allegedly a Sergeant and another Lieutenant who will probably be joining the naughty list.

It is a certainty that folks will bring up Michael Spicer, who was still promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and has still be able to further embarrass the department, even after being acquitted of a myriad of federal crimes.

It’s a head scratcher how Captain Anthony Ginaldi was promoted to Captain after his shenanigans at the Aviation Unit.  Oh yeah, he sued, and lost.  But Ginaldi considered himself a whistleblower, even though he got disciplined by then Captain Kenneth O’Brien, way before he ever hit the 35th.  Captain Mark Fisher was pissed off that Ginaldi, who was married and then 45 years old, was allegedly having an affair with his 23 year old daughter.

Lieutenant Jonathan Josey has alot of company.  Commissioner Richard Ross is not simply rubber stamping a promotion because of a civil service exam.  Ross demands better of his supervisory staff.

It’s a relief to many who have been singled out and retaliated against, and who do not have these kinds of accusations hanging over their head, that sometimes, the system tries to hold everyone to the same high standard.  And not the Double Standard that has been the norm.

Now, watch how these potential promotees become victims.  They’ll cry “wee wee wee” all the way to the FOP.






Pending Arrest: P/O Stanley Davis Jr.

The arrest of P/O Stanley Davis Jr. of the Narcotics Field Unit, who was detailed to the DEA, is imminent.

According to sources, P/O Davis alleged supplied a confidential informant, with heroin.  The woman, who was subsequently was involved in a fatal auto accident, allegedly because she was high, told the responding State Police Officer that a “Fed” had given her the heroin.  The decedent in the fatal crash was allegedly related to the confidential informant.

Since Davis was “detailed out” to the DEA, it was quickly discovered that he was actually a Philadelphia Police Officer who was temporarily detailed to the DEA.  A search warrant was allegedly served on Davis’ vehicle, locker and house, and heroin was discovered.  Davis was immediately benched in the DPR Unit.

Davis, a 21 year veteran, just retired from the department.

Police Commissioner Richard Ross has confirmed Davis arrest is imminent.

“We have to end all this” cries Trauma Surgeon

This is the quote from Dr. Brian Williams of Parkland Hospital in Dallas Texas.  Yes, that Parkland Hospital.  The same one where President John F. Kennedy died after being assassinated on November 22, 1963.

Dr. Williams is a Trauma Surgeon.  Dr. Williams tried in vain to save the lives of the five Dallas Police Officers who were killed by Micah Johnson on July 8, 2016.

Dr. Williams is a black man.  Dr. Williams broke down in tears as he begged for an end to racial violence.  At a news conference on Monday afternoon he declared “This killing, it has to stop”.  He went to state that “black men are dying and being forgotten.  People retaliating against the people that are sworn to defend us.  We have to come together and end all of this.”

Dr. Williams expressed pain at the killing of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in Louisiana and Minnesota earlier in the week.  However; he was further sickened by the killings of the cops in his city.  Cops he tried in vain to save.

Dr. Williams stated that he “understand the anger and the frustration and distrust of law enforcement, but they are not the problem,” his voice quivering.  He believed “the problem is open discussions about the impact of race relations in this country”.  Williams declared also that “black men dying at the hands of police officers affected me.  I fit that demographic of individuals.  But I abhor what has been done to these officers and I grieve with their families.”

Dr. Williams said he has a young daughter is is teaching her how to interact with the police.  He says he often pick up the tab when he sees cops in restaurants and want his daughter to see a different purview of the police than he did.

“I want my daughter to see me interacting with police that way so she doesn’t grow up with the same burden that I carry”.

Dr. Williams advised the Dallas police to as a black man, he supports them.  However; it “doesn’t mean that I do not fear you.”  He further stated he would worry about his personal safety and have a “visceral reaction” and fear if he is approached by the police.

The problem is that an open dialogue about race has to happen.  It cannot be hampered by whites infusing “race baiting” and the “race card” into the equation.  Nor can it be hampered by blacks infusing the “victim” mentality and “all police shootings upon black men are bad shootings”.

This experience also exists within the ranks.  There are double standards.  It is apparent when it comes to discipline.  It is apparent when a cop perceives mistreatment in a district or unit.  It is apparent that black cops and black supervisors are not supported, by and large.  It is apparent that when an accusation is made against a black supervisor, the FOP immediately respond to the complaints made by officers.  However; when multiple complaints are made against supervisors who are a non-minority, the same service isn’t as swift.

There is less respect and more of a conspiracy, almost a “mutiny” mentality when it comes to black supervisors.  Especially when they are tasked to supervise in the less than minority friendly districts.

Double standards are pervasive.  And it has no place in policing.  There isn’t a justification for allowing cops who have committed crimes, like Lieutenant Raymond Murphy, where there is compelling evidence to suggest that he committed a crime, to remain in his position and not be accordingly charged.  Nor when you have groups of Police Officers committing other crimes and are only disciplined internally as opposed to being charged with theft of services.

Conversely, a black former police officer, Andre Boyer, who has been adamantly gathering and releasing compelling evidence to prove the theft, is now, according to Boyer’s writings, is getting attacked by the Fraternal Order of Police, or more specifically, according to Boyer, the Vice President of the FOP, John McGrody.

Boyer had been fired under dubious circumstances and is now suing the Fraternal Order of Police and it’s Vice President John McGrody, as was former Sergeant Tyrone Cook.

Meanwhile, Corporal Robert PawLOWski, makes offensive and racist comments at the FOP Lodge 5 headquarters, and are reported by other officers, there is no public rebuke of the behavior by police union.

When you have a police officer with the mentality of Corporal Robert Pawlowski, who was recruiting other officers to adopt his racist beliefs as exhibited by his racist behavior, in, of all places, the Fraternal Order of Police lodge, it has to end.Police Corporal Make Racial Slurs At FOP


Double standards when you can have a black supervisor, Sergeant Tyrone Cook, fired and loses his arbitration for being less than 15 minutes late.  Double standards when you have Police Officer John Hargraves, who was charged and his charges dismissed, but he loses his arbitration.  If this only involved John Hargraves, who is black, it wouldn’t raise any red flags.  But there are many officers who are alleging that black cops are losing their arbitration hearings and having to wait for a much longer time than white officers.

The standard many black officers have been using is Officers Thomas Liciardello, Brian Reynolds, Michael Spicer, Perry Betts, Linwood Norman, and John Speiser, who, after being acquitted of serious charges, are alleged to have received their jobs back and arbitration dates, at warp neck speed.  Ironically, one of them, former Officer Perry Betts, failed the drug test, and was promptly fired again.  One of Narcotics Six To Be Fired Again For Failing Drug Test

Double standards when you have Ray Evers, accused and charged with rape of a Temple student, charges were later dismissed at a Temple University frat house.  It was an alleged “gang bang”.  However; Evers called the encounter consensual.  Sexual Assault at Temple Frat: Police Officer Evers Accused

Then DA Lynne Abraham said the victim didn’t lie, “she didn’t have enough evidence to give us.”  Yet, Evers went on to be in the national spotlight by being given a police spokesman position, and was involved in a highly publicized bar fight in Avalon.  Even though the video surveillance, didn’t back up his version of the events in Avalon, he was never disciplined for his less than stellar behavior according to the cops in that jurisdiction.  Ray Evers Avalon Brawl

Double standards with Detective Kenneth Rossiter is only fired, as opposed to charged with stealing from the city coffers.Philly Cop fired for theft of OT  Double standards when ow retired Police Lieutenant Richard Brown is only required to pay back the money from his retirement funds when he retired as opposed to being charged.Cops Net Big Bounty with OT  And to add insult to injury, his black supervisor, Sharon Seaborough is disciplined because of his theft.

When you have cops doing mock hangings of black baby doll’s in Highway Patrol’s parking lot hanging from a ladder of a truck owned by Philadelphia Police Officer Michael Kelly.  When Police Officer Lonnie Adams and Brian James complained, they was retaliated against and ostracized according to their lawsuit.  Black Lynched Rag Doll Lawsuit

When you have cops having racist and offensive KKK related stickers on their lockers “Blue by Day, White by Night” and “White Power” and the Officers, Scott Schweizer and Eric Dial(now deceased), get suspended, but they land back in the 24th District.  A district where resident racist Corporal Robert PawLOWski, also landed after his 30 day suspension.  A district that is allegedly one of the most racist in the department.  A district where perhaps they will feel comfortable with their overt racist actions.

Double standards when a white officer, Anthony Magsam, allegedly steals hundreds of gun parts.Anthony Magsam Resigns  The white supervisor of Magsam, Lieutenant Vinnie TestaLieutenant Under Investigation Found Dead (who later commits suicide on the eve of the arrest of Magsam) not only protects him, but purportedly retaliates against the black supervisor, Sergeant Andrew Little, who has a duty to report the thefts.  Sergeant Little and Internal Affairs Lieutenant Leonard Logan, both filed a lawsuit regarding retaliation concerning this case.Whistle Blowers Who Report Theft Get Punished Files Suit

Simply put, this case reeks of a double standard,  white supervisor protects white cops, black supervisors are punished and an attempt is made to cover up the crime.  Cop Protected: Bosses Cover Up

These kinds of double standards within departments, which isn’t exclusive to Philadelphia, contributes to the distrust in police.  The scandal plagued San Francisco Police Department has recently been found by a report as having “institutionalized” bias. Blue Ribbon panel find pervasive bias in SFPD This after many incidents of cops within the department sending racist and homophobic text between cops and supervisors.  Institutionalized Bias Says Report

When racist website are allowed to exist, until a black police civic association sues, there is a problem.  Black Police Sue Over Racist Website  The white supervisor who was the “moderator” then-Sergeant Fredric McQuiggan was never disciplined.  McQuiggan continually was promoted with no fan-fare.  Yet a black supervisor, now Lieutenant Nashid Akil, made headlines over his promotion, because he was fired before.Once Fired Cop to be Promoted.  The media should have been notified of the promotion of Fred McQuiggan on at least two occasions.

Double standards when you have Charlie Green, then a Lieutenant, get disciplined for an entire squad of police officers assigned to the Vice Unit, stealing from the city, and he is transferred to Internal Affairs, of all places.  Green is then promoted and put in the Range.  No mainstream media coverage, no outrage.  Nothing.

Greg Riley, a white supervisor, is found guilty of egregious, arguably, crimes, and demoted, but sent back to the Impact Unit, and is summarily re-promoted.  Yet a black Lieutenant, Jamil Taylor, is skipped.

Former Police Officer Christopher Hulmes, was charged with perjury.  It took years, and the efforts of an ADA AJ Thomson, who stood up, and many concerned cops to continually report Hulmes lying in open court and admitting it.  Lying Cop Charged.

The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office was well aware of the perjury, yet they continued to call Hulmes to testify.  And all the while, never notifying the defense attorney’s of his background, even though they had previous knowledge about his lack of credibility.  This is a violation of the Brady rule.  Defense attorney’s had to find this information out on their own, well, with the assistance of a few whistle blowers.

In Brady, The United States Supreme Court placed a duty on prosecutors to turn over all evidence favorable to the accused in a criminal trial. When asked why this wasn’t a Brady violation, the DA stated it was because the officer who saw the exchange of money wasn’t the officer in dispute and therefore not relevant. Lawyers take DA to Task for Protecting Lying cop

Yet his was given a perjury pass by the Assistant District Attorney Terri Domsky.  ADA gives Lying COP ARD  Moreover; no one challenged Hulmes getting his pension.  Under civil service regulations, his crime occurred while he was working, thus, his pension should be forfeited.

We have to end all this.  Both inside the department and it will have a ripple effect outside the department.  If minorities have to live by double standards within police organizations, there is little wonder why they are doomed to live by double standards outside of them.

Everyone weeps when a police officer is killed in the line of duty.  It is at that time when police organizations become one.  There is a deep pain in the hearts of everyone about the heroes in Dallas.  It really hit home for us as a nation.  Americans were also outraged at the aftermath shooting of Philandro Castile that was streamed live by his girlfriend.  It was in our living rooms, like television did during the Vietnam War and radio did for World War II.  It was inescapable.

There is a travel advisory for Caribbean people visiting the United States because of these series of events.  The Bahamas, a Caribbean nation where most people identify as being of African heritage, issued this warning to it’s citizens on Friday to be careful when visiting U.S. cities rocked by “shootings of young black males by police officers.”  Scary.

As President Obama exclaimed today in Dallas, “our righteous anger can be transformed into more justice” and more peace.  But we have to begin by having real meaningful dialogue.  Acknowledge there is a problem.  And begin to administer the same standard to all cops, regardless of their color, gender or creed.

Robert Pawlowski
Raymond Murphy


Vincent Testa
Kenneth Rossiter
Retired Lieutenant Richard Brown
Ray Evers


Frederic McQuiggan

Narcotics Six Lawsuit Tossed By Federal Judge

A federal Judge dismissed the lawsuit filed against former Mayor Michael Nutter, former Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and two other top law enforcement officials last week.  Lawsuit Tossed

The plaintiffs, Thomas Liciardello, Michael Spicer, Perry Betts, Brian Reynolds, John Speiser and Linwood Norman, were accused by the Feds of conspiracy to rob and extort drug dealers.  Robert Otto, who was also a plaintiff in the suit, was not criminally charged.Bobby Otto v Seth Williams, etal

The officers were acquitted in their criminal trial and reinstated with back pay, and their personnel records cleared.

In his 16 page memorandum, the judge held that the pleading resembled a “press release” rather than a pleading.

Christopher Mannix, attorney for the plaintiff asserted there is still stigma associated with the officers.  Mannix is considering appealing the decision.

Top LA Official Resigns Over Racist Text

Here we go again.  This time, in the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department.  It is the largest Sheriff’s office in the county.  This time, an apology and a reprimand didn’t work.  The New York Times reports there was a change of heart a day later.

Sheriff Jim McDonnell failed to take the racist emails and text seriously at first.  McDonnell said the emails were “divisive and unproductive’ but refused to discipline  Tom Angel, the second in charge in the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.

Two days later, the department issued a statement to the media outlining that Angel issued a “profuse and sincere” apology for the racist emails.

According to CNN, McDonnell went on to state “Chief Angel’s decision-making and actions in his long prior career with the Sheriff’s Department and since his return in 2015 reveal more about his actual character and typical good judgment than the instances from four years prior currently reported in the media.”  But then a change of heart.LA Sheriff’s County 2nd In Charge resigns over Racist Messages

On Sunday, Sheriff McDonnell announced he accepted the resignation of Chief Angel.

Sheriff McDonnell then released an updated statement “Despite the Sheriff’s Department many recent efforts to fortify public trust and enhance internal and external accountability and transparency, this incident reminds us that we and other law enforcement agencies still have work to do.”  Great quote!

Racist behavior by Philadelphia Police Corporal Robert Pawlowski must be re-visited.  This situation follows the resignation of a San Francisco police Lieutenant and several officers after the release of racist and homophobic text messages.  There is a problem.

Perhaps Mayor Kenney will get involved like his predecessor, Mayor John Street, when Commissioner John Timoney issued lightweight discipline to two cops who were accused of wrong-doing.

The 30 day suspension is too lenient for a Police Corporal who was actively recruiting to infect other officers with his harmful brand of racism.  This undermines the trust of the public.IMG_20160426_071731061


Response to Pawlowski the Bigot at FOP

The National Black Police Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter has responded.  There will be a Meet and Greet on May 22, 2016 at the National Black Police Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter at 4:00pm located at 1939 W. Venango Street.

The call is to all Officers!!!  Let’s talk about the issues that are important to you!!!  Bigot Cop Suspended for Calling Black Cops Niggers

Should be pretty interesting.

Will resident racist Corporal Bob PawLOWski be present?  Or is this a fundraiser in disguise for him?

Hopefully there will be a productive healthy dialogue.IMG_20160426_071731061


Racist Cop Gets 30 Days-No Intent

Corporal Robert Pawlowski, resident racist in the 24th District, has been suspended for thirty (30) days:  no intent to dismiss.

No demotion to the rank of Police Officer.  No assignment as a Police Officer in the 22nd District.  No assignment to a wagon with a African American partner.  No footbeat on 22nd Street and Lehigh to become one with the community.

A demotion and 30 days would have been more harsh than a termination for this bigot.  Many people have been demoted for a lot less.  Many people have been skipped for promotion for allegations, less than that.

Commissioner Richard Ross suspended Pawlowski after his tirade of offensive racist remarks while at the Fraternal Order of Police lounge in Northeast Philadelphia, referring to African-American cops as “niggers” and “a banana eating monkey.”  Pawlowski was warning white officers to stay away from a group of African American supervisors because you can’t “trust” them.

PawLOWski was spreading his brand of hate from one group of cops to another; determined to spread his hateful, hurtful message.

Commissioner Ross took direct action against PawLOWski.  Unfortunately, he is still employed as a Philadelphia Police Officer.  PawLOWski should not remain in a supervisory position.

It is impossible for someone with those dysfunctional core values and a racist belief system to be able to objectively supervise minority cops, much less the community which he serves, or doesn’t serve as he cannot be confused with real cop, you know they type, the ones who actually make arrests and lock people up.

Commissioner Ross must be credited for taking swift action.

Curious as to how Fred McQuiggans’ old domelights site participants would have reacted to Ross’ swift decisive decision to discipline this idiot.

Nice job Commissioner!  When are the good cops going to get a commendation for bringing this scum to justice.

Officer Raymond Finizio, Officer Christopher Swinarski and Officer Charles Manson must be commended for their bravery for standing up against racism.

Officer Charles Manson should be applauded for his amazing restraint for not beating the s*** out of PawLOWski.

Note to Jason Bourne:  When is the fundraiser for Bob PawLOWski?

There is no place for racism in policing.  Even when a racist dies, doesn’t change their legacy.  Bull Connor (Commissioner of Public Safety dedicated to the deprivation of equality to blacks during the Civil Rights Movement), Jeff Berry(Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan) and Byron De La Beckwith (White supremacist and Klansman who murdered Medgar Evers)  have all died.  Their death doesn’t diminish the fact they were racist and they would be upset if we didn’t acknowledge this.

They worked really hard at their hate.

This publication was well aware that Officer Eric Dial is deceased; but the legacy of his overt racist acts with Officer Scott Schweitzer doesn’t die with him.

If hateful and mean spirited speech died, America would be a much better place.  So would the 24th District and the citizens they are tasked to protect.

Morrisville Police Chief George McClay

There is much controversy swarming the Philadelphia Police Department, regarding former Police Lieutenant George McClay.  McClay is currently the Police Chief of Morrisville, Pennsylvania.

McClay seems a little peeved about an incident that occurred between himself and allegations by a female employee at Atlantic Tactical on State Road in Philadelphia.  He’s peeved because he believe he was “sold out” by his former co-workers.  The same people with whom he didn’t play too nicely.

The incident he is upset about occurred on October 31, 2015 at 7970 State Road inside the Atlantic Tactical store.  The female employee there made a complaint of a indecent assault.

McClay is known for his bully-like behavior and prior incident with another woman, which resulted in him getting kicked out of Special Victims.

In that incident, McClay was in the hospital, to allegedly conduct official business.  A nurse challenged him for his identification.  McClay got very upset and belligerent.  When the woman insisted on his identification, he slammed his service weapon on the counter and allegedly retorted that he was “the police.”

Alarmed and afraid, a complaint was made against McClay.  Once again, no logistical officer, he was transferred to Northwest Detectives where his bullying and rhetoric followed.

Morrisville Council may not know what they have on their hands.  McClay claims to have a Master’s Degree from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. McClay Master’s Degree However; so far, we have only been able to confirm that he has a certificate from Northwestern University which he attained while a Police Lieutenant in which he attended from February 2010 through June 2010.

If Northwestern University bestowed a Master’s Degree on Ol’ George, than the rest of the class should be expecting theirs as well.

Meanwhile, McClay has complained because he, the Bully of Broad Street, believes he was victimized by Northwest Detectives, whom he belittled and pushed around for years, and he wants them punished.  He believes the Detectives gave the media copies of the police report on the indecent assault matter.

Now there is an investigation into this matter.  The problem is, that whomever gave Ol’ George the same paperwork, is also a target of the investigation.



Racist Cop Alert: Racist Cop Transferred

Racist Cop Alert:  Corporal Robert Pawlowski was transferred to the 24th District.  Where he will join his co-horts in racism:  Officer Scott Schweitzer and Eric Dial.  Why not put a Nazi Flag outside that building and make it official.  As the latter two officers saw it:  Blue By Day, KKK by night.  KKK Cops

Pawlowski will be welcomed home, with his fellow racist.  Unleashed on an unsuspecting neighborhood and minority officers who will have to tolerate his racist rhetoric.

Seems there’s no logistical unit in the Police Department to make appropriate transfers.  Logistically, this is the last district this racist cop should be assigned.

In 2008, two narcotics officer, Officer Scott Schweizer and Eric Dial were kicked out of Narcotics after two racist stickers were discovered after another officer noticed them plastered on their lockers.  One sticker said “White Power” and another depicted a Pawlowski looking man, half in uniform and half as a Klansman with the epitaph “Blue By Day – White By Night”.

There’s a problem when racist are allowed to all be put in the same district.  A division where a Police Sergeant, Gregory Hauck, felt comfortable enough call the Police Commissioner a “nigger” at roll call as reported by another whistleblower.  Sergeant Suspended for Calling Commissioner Nigger at Roll Call

Hopefully, demotion will be forthcoming as well.  A transfer to be among more of your fellow racist cops, is not harsh enough.



LeSean McCoy and Lt Jonathan Josey Case

FOP President John McNesby is upset the District Attorney of Philadelphia, Seth Williams hasn’t arrested former Eagles runner back LeSean McCoy.  And he’s letting anyone who will listen know about it.

LeSean McCoy and his three friends got into a physical altercation with a few Philadelphia Police Officers while they in an Old City bar on this past Valentines Day at 2:45am.  McCoy and his friends got into the fight with the cops over a bottle of champagne.  According to sources, after punching, kicking and stomping on the officers, two of the officers were hospitalized.

McCoy and his friends, who were allegedly involved were former West Catholic High School star Curtis Brinkley, 30; McCoy’s former teammate at the University of Pittsburgh, Tamarcus Porter, 27; and Christopher Henderson, 26.  The cops were Sgt. Daniel Ayres and Officers Darnell Jessie and Roland Butler.  By all accounts the cops lost the fight.  Sources say if the cops won, McCoy and his friends would have been arrested on the spot.  In the same fashion that Aida Guzman was arrested by Josey.

But the officers weren’t in condition to arrest anyone.

In an interview with WIP sports radio, McNesby seethed stating ”  “I’ve never waited this long, ever, to see somebody arrested”.  Really?  How about Thomas Liciardello, Michael Spicer, John Speiser, Perry Betts,  Linwood Norman, Jeffrey Cudjik, Brian Reynolds, Ron Dove and numerous other Philadelphia Police Officers who languish on desk duty for months and years on desk duty, and last but certainly not least, Jonathan Josey.

The FOP’s McNesby is incensed that McCoy threw a “sucker punch” at one of the cops.  The same kind of “sucker punch” that Josey bestowed upon Ana Guzman, a woman, who wasn’t engaged in a fight with him.  And after the “sucker punch”, Guzman was arrested and charged with a crime that she didn’t commit, thus; carrying the crime on after the original assault.  Oh, and yes, he wasn’t arrested right away either.

“I’ve never waited this long, ever, to see somebody arrested,” McNesby grumbled to WIP listeners.  Well, you waited for Josey to get arrested.  And let’s not forget about former Detective Ron Dove.  Police Detective Indicted

McNesby, you  can’t have it both ways.

When Josey was being investigated after “sucker punching” a defenseless woman, McNesby didn’t mince his words.  “It was inappropriate for the city to apologize to this woman and drop the charges until the investigation was complete,” McNesby said to the AP during the investigation into the incident which was captured on video.  Josey Arrested For Assault on Woman  McNesby also said the matter with Josey was a “private criminal complaint.”

No rush, McNesby insisted.  And he gave the woman beater a fund-raiser.  Josey Fundraiser

Maybe fans should have a fund raiser for McCoy and his friends.

In Philadelphia, the District Attorney routinely wait months, while investigating police officers involved in misconduct.  No, McNesby wants a rush job.

Seth Williams is correct in taking his time and being consistent in making a determination as to whether there should be criminal charges.  DA Williams No Rush To Indict

Maybe McNesby should save his energy to do fundraising again and explain to taxpayers why they should promote Lt. Jonathan Josey to Captain Jonathan Josey in the next round of police promotions.

Here’s an officer who falsely arrested a woman, after he committed a crime against her, and then falsified the police reports to have a consistent story.  Even though the video tape proved he was a liar and that he falsely arrested Ms. Guzman, he was only charged with a singular charge of simple assault.  Josey, who has a personnel jacket full of assaults on Philadelphia citizens, even one involving a SEPTA bus drivers in which he was suspended.

Josey was involved in many incidents in bars and fights around the city.  Getting stabbed in yet another female fight between another off-duty police officer and a civilian in Scooters bar.  But miraculously, when he was fired, he was seen in elders from Enon Baptist Church who were extolling the goodness of Jonathan Josey.

Check out the Police Advisory Commission’s Report on the Josey Incident.  Police Advisory Commission

Too bad Detective Adam O’Donnell didn’t get such treatment.  He allegedly beat up a guy, dropped his off and didn’t arrest the victim.  He’s facing charges from assault to kidnapping.  Detective Charged In Assault

Sorry McNesby, you can’t have it both ways.  Let the investigation be thorough.  You’re right, your guys did get the worst of it.  And who know, if they had won, I’m sure that McCoy and his guys would’ve been arrested.  As was Aida Guzman.