Shots Fired: DA Krasner Cleans House!

Newly sworn-in Philadelphia District Attorney, Larry Krasner, has started the new year with a BANG!  Dozens of Assistant District Attorney’s were sent packing with dozens of others shaking in their boots!

Krasner, who took over the 534 employee department on January 2, provided no official comment on the terminations.  See the partial leaked list below:

E. Marc Costanzo

Pat Blessington

Trial Division Chief John Delaney, Jr.

Pre-Trial Unit Chief Michael Barry

Chief of the Diversion Courts Unit Derek Riker

Chief of Family Violence & Sexual Assault James Carpenter

Gun Violence Task Force Chief Carolien Keating-McGlynn

DA Conviction Review Unit Marc Gilson

Chief of the Legislation & Policy Unit Greg Rowe

Lauren Realberg

Jason Kleinbahn

Laquan Lightfoot

Melissa Francis DAO’s Danger Drug Offenders Unit

Brian Hughes

Andrew Notaristefano

Tom Lipscomb

Bridget Kirn

Joe Whitehead

Laurie Moore

Namratha Ravikant

Gwen Cujdik

Brian Zarallo

Yvonne Ruiz

Michelle Seidner

Jan McDermott

Salina Jones

Hugh Burns

B.J. Graham-Rubin

Stacey Hughes

Carlos Vega

Nicole Pedecino

Jenn Hoffman

We all remember Costanzo and Blessington from the Porngate scandal.  The “pitbull” Marc Gilson states he was “shocked”.  Many of the others allegedly had dubious convictions and/or misconduct allegations.

nwtmdgilsonx1200-1-768x432Mark Gilson – Bye-Bye

According to, “Some of those let go, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss their termination, said they were told Friday morning to come to the office as soon as possible. When they arrived, they said, they were escorted by the office’s detectives as they learned their fate – often without explanation – and cleaned out their desks. Several left in tears.

Andrew Notaristefano, a homicide prosecutor and district attorney’s office employee for more than a decade, said he had a homicide trial scheduled to start Monday – and that he’d met with the victim’s family Thursday night to prepare. He was at his desk working Friday when a human resources employee took him aside and told him he was fired, he said.

Notaristefano, who secured dozens of murder convictions during his career, said he was given “no explanation.” He requested to leave after prosecuting his upcoming trial but was told no, he said. His request to speak to Krasner was also denied, he said.

“I’ve worked very hard and sacrificed a lot to make this city a safer place and to help people,” said Notaristefano, part of the team of prosecutors that unsuccessfully sought the death penalty last fall in a retrial for a decades-old murder.

Michael Barry, deputy of the pretrial division, confirmed that he was asked to resign, with his last day next Friday. James Carpenter, chief of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Unit for the past six years, said he would also leave that day.

Derek Riker, chief of the Diversion Courts Unit for the last five years, said he was shocked to be let go because “I consider myself one of the progressive people in the office,” responsible for cases that involve alternative treatment and programs instead of incarceration – the types of ideals Krasner campaigned to expand.

Gwenn Cujdik, a homicide prosecutor, asked what would happen if she didn’t resign as requested. She said she was told she would be fired on Monday.

“A lot of us stayed because we were willing to stay and willing to work for (Krasner) and continue to do what we do,” Cujdik said.”

Uh……Yeah.  It is not unusual for the incoming District Attorney to make staffing changes.  Ed Rendell, former District Attorney, Mayor and Governor states he dismissed about 25 percent of staff when he first took office.


Seth Williams-Do as I Say, Not As I Do!

When District Attorney Seth Williams charged Louise Williams Bishop with criminal conspiracy and accepting money in return for political influence, he said he anguished over his decision.  He then provided these words, when he decided to charge Bishop with the crimes that she entered a plea of no contest.  The Associated Press quoted him as saying:

“You don’t get a pass just because you are a friend, or a member of my political party, or race,” District Attorney Seth Williams said this week. “I’ve known and looked up to Rev. Bishop almost my entire life. I’ve been to her home often. My mother listened to her gospel radio show. Mrs. Bishop thought all of that would save her in the end, that I wouldn’t prosecute her. That is what she told many people. But it can’t. That’s the nature of my oath — to do my job. We had to follow the evidence.”

But, he has given himself a pass.  The old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Williams also charged former State Reps. Ronald G. Waters, Vanessa Lowery Brown, Michelle Brownlee, Harold James and former Traffic Court Judge Thomasine Tynes.  So far, the body count is:

• Thomasine Tynes, former President Judge of the Philadelphia Traffic Court, pleaded on Dec. 15, 2014 to conflict of interest and conspiracy charges. She was ordered to serve 11½ to 23 months in prison and pay $2,500 in prosecution costs.

• Former state Rep. Harold James pleaded on June 1, 2015, to one count of conflict of interest. He was ordered to pay $750 in restitution and $2,000 in prosecution costs, resign from office and was placed on 12 months of reporting probation.

• Former state Rep. Michelle Brownlee pleaded on June 1, 2015, to one count of conflict of interest. She was ordered to pay $2,000 in restitution and $3,500 in prosecution costs, resign from office and was placed on 18 months of reporting probation.

• Former state Rep. Ronald Waters pleaded on June 1, 2015, to nine counts of conflict of interest. He was ordered to pay $8,750 in restitution and $5,000 in prosecution costs, resign from office and was placed on 23 months of reporting probation.

Lowery-Brown is awaiting a trial date.

Williams decided they were to charged after former Attorney General Kathleen Kane decided not to charge the group because she said the sting was predicated on racism, whom she believes was at the hands of Frank Fina, a former Attorney General prosecutor and then Assistant District Attorney before he resigned in disgrace after homophobic, sexist and racist emails were released.

Williams fought diligently to keep Fina with the DA’s office, and only sent Fina to sensitivity training after a group of City Council persons insisted Fina, and two other former Attorney General Office employees, Pat Blessington and Mark Costanzo, be fired.

In light of the Johnny-come-lately financial disclosures, in which Williams disclosed his acceptance of money, jewelry and free gifts from individuals, specifically, a lawyer who tries many cases in Court, it reeks of hypocrisy.

Williams quickly made the disclosures in light of the air of investigation by the FBI. A first year law student would know these kinds of alliances are just wrong.   Conflict of Interest/Red Flags  Williams have been arrogant about accepting “freebies”, while holding others accountable for doing the same thing.

Could Kathleen Kane, who was convicted of perjury on Monday and is awaiting sentencing for exposing several prosecutors, (Fina being named as her arch-enemy), and two Supreme Court Justices, actually stand to see karma as far as Williams is concerned?

Kane certainly exposed the “Legion of Doom”, but she is no longer one of the “Super-Friends”.

The FBI is investigating the financial dealings of Williams according to the mainstream media.  Feds Eye Seth Williams  The Feds will have a lot to investigate.  Maybe while they’re looking, some of the people who say morale is lower than it’s ever been in the DA’s office will reveal what they know.

Meanwhile, Williams continue to surround himself with people in similar financial hardships as himself.  Williams, who once had a lien placed on his home for not paying a PGW bill, recently appointed Tariq El-Shabazz to his staff.  El-Shabazz has a history of not paying his bills and have several liens and judgments against him.

El-Shabazz private practice, was recently taken to landlord tenant court for non-payment of rent.

Williams, who have yet to prosecute some cops, where there is compelling evidence they have committed crimes, as in the case of Lieutenant Raymond Murphy, and did nothing to protect Whistleblower AJ Thomson, have a lot to be concerned about.

Maybe after seeing what happened to Kathleen Kane, he will be reluctant to retaliate against those who know where the bones are buried.

Sneaky the way Williams delivered the thick packet that proves his poor decision-making skills, by dropping off the “forgotten” disclosures of goodies involving everything from a $45,000.00 free roof repair, to a $6500.00 Rolex watch, to office of the Board of Ethics.  Yes, there is such thing.  Unfortunately, our highest law enforcement officials seem to have a lack of them.

For some reason, Wiliams felt compelled to report staying at the Florida vacation home of the defense attorney, Richard Hoy, whom he said was a friend.  I guess he must have remembered that not reporting “gifts” from “friends”, is what former Congressman Chaka Fattah charged and convicted.  Fattah is scheduled to be sentenced in October.

But for all his wheeling and dealing, and disregarding his behavior which are a clear conflict of office for anyone in his position, he said, according to his attorney, Samuel C. Street, he made a mistake.  “He “wasn’t paying attention,” his lawyer said. He didn’t realize he had to because he didn’t see most of them as gifts, Samuel C. Stretton said, but rather as nice things his close friends gave him.”

Sounds alot like Herbert Vederman and Fattah.

Another attorney, now a Common Court Pleas Judge, Scott DiClaudio, who gave Williams $6,000.00 in gifts that included sports tickets and $1500.00 in Visa cards, said he only did so “completely out of the friendship we have enjoyed for three decades.” Forgotten List of Questionable “Gifts”

DiClaudio has a colorful past of his own.  He was not recommended by the Bar Association for the election to the bench.  According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, despite not being recommended by the Bar Association, U.S. Rep. Robert Brady, Chairman of the city Democratic Party, state “at the time that the party backed DiClaudio because Williams had vouched for him.”

Prior to his winning a seat on the bench, DiClaudio was admonished by the state Supreme Court for “serial misconduct” in his work as a defense attorney. The Inquirer reported that “Williams defended his friend in a statement as having “provided top-notch legal services” for many clients.”

Once again, Federman and Fattah.  How did they make out with that argument?

Maybe Seth needed a vacation, because it is very hot in the kitchen.  It isn’t difficult to see that the kitchen is going to get a lot hotter before all is said and done.  Seth may go from the hot kitchen, into the frying pan.

Frank Fina

Frank Fina



Racism has no place in PPD or Jefferson Hospital

Jefferson Hospital fired a Jefferson Health employee for a racist, hate filled post that went viral.  The employee was identified as Diane Amoratis.  A Jefferson spokesperson said the employee was not a nurse, but declined to identify her job duties.Jefferson fires employee over racist rant.


Diane Amoratis 53, of Bridesburg,  an area of with a history racism in the City of Philadelphia, didn’t bite her tongue.  Now it has cost her a job.   Bridesburg was one of the areas in the past where minorities were unable to peaceably walk through without being assaulted.  Racism in Bridesburg.

Amoratis wrote the inflammatory Facebook post following Saturday night’s Black Lives Matter protest in North Philadelphia in front of the 24th and 25th Districts.  This is where resident racist Corporal Robert Pawlowski is currently assigned.

Amoratis stated she is proud to white and wants black people to get an “honest job”.  Well now she needs a job.

According to the Philadelphia Daily News, “The diatribe, which also praised police restraint at the protest, smoldered unnoticed for a day before it was shared tens of thousands of times by outraged Facebook users across the nation. Many who read the post directed their anger at Jefferson, demanding Amoratis be fired.”  And Jefferson obliged.

Jefferson posted on it’s Facebook page “”Hate speech of any kind is unacceptable at Jefferson and is not consistent with our values, policies and the culture of inclusiveness, dignity and respect we continue to build here.”

Dr. Brian H. Williams, the trauma surgeon who tried in vain to save some of the five police officers who died after the hate crime perpetrated against them by Micah Johnson.

Dr. Williams, who was visibly upset lamented “Hate speech of any kind is unacceptable at Jefferson and is not consistent with our values, policies and the culture of inclusiveness, dignity and respect we continue to build here”, he expressed to CNN’s Don Lemon.

Amoratis has since deleted her racist Facebook diatribe.   There is another screenshot where another person who says she also called  black people moneys and animals.


There is a pattern here.  Frank Fina, Pat Blessington and Mark Costanzo also posted racist, homophobic emails that morphed into what became known as “Porngate”.  It should have more appropriately be monikered, “Hategate”.

Two of the racist procecutors, Pat Blessington and Mark Costanzo are still with the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office, while a third, Frank Fina, recently resigned.  Racist Prosecutors Transferred by DA.

The announcement only came after a Philadelphia City Council resolution passed on calling for Frank Fina, Mark Costanzo and Pat Blessington to be fired.  District Attorney Seth Williams have steadfastly supported the three prosecutors.  Defying numerous groups, besides Philadelphia City Council, demanding their ouster.  The Pennsylvania National Organization for Women sent to open letter to Williams who still refused to terminate the trio.  Calls for an independent prosecutor to look into the racist, homophobic and sexist emails went unheeded by Williams.  threefreaksimages

Porngate bought down two Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justices, Seamus McCaffery, who was once a Philadelphia Police Officer and J. Michael Eakin who resigned after the emails, which included ridiculing African Americans, women and homosexuals.

mccaffery eakin

Corporal Robert Pawlowski received a 30 day suspension after referring to black officers as “niggers” and “banana eating monkeys” inside the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5.  20160430_inq_pslurs30-a

Philadelphia has big problems.  And when you have individuals who hold the positions such as Judges, Police Officers and Health care professionals, there is little wonder why the minority communities are suspicious of law enforcement.

In America, African Americans are more likely to have people in these positions making life and death decisions concerning them.

Enough is enough.  Jefferson Hospital ensured this person will have no power over black people who may come across her in their hospital.  Although Jefferson has stated Amoratis is not a nurse, has identified her as a nurse.  Amoratis, Nurse or Not a Nurse.  A LinkedIn profile also lists a Diane Amoratis as a Registered Nurse whose specialty is critical care.  A scary thought, especially since black police officers who are shot in that area could end up requiring her help.

Thank you Jefferson Health.  Continuing your position as a world class hospital and employer.

The baffling part is a racist website used by Philadelphia Police officer, moderated by a white Philadelphia Police supervisor, Fredric McQuiggan was allowed to exist for years without the supervisor being disciplined, nor any attempt to stop it by a sitting black police commissioner.

Three white prosecutors, who left the State Attorney General’s Office under dubious circumstances, was hired by a black sitting District Attorney.  The District Attorney then protected the prosecutors even when it the offensive racist emails were disclosed.  This is the public sector.  Fortunately, the private sector, had no such qualms and terminated the racist poster.

Racist Police, racist Prosecutors, racist Judges, racist medical professionals, documented incident after documented incident, but many whites get upset and calls out anyone who is bold enough to challenge the ways things are, “race baiters”.    In Philadelphia, and in Pennsylvania, it is rearing its ugly head, thanks to the advent of cellphone and social media, more than ever.  It can no longer be denied.

How can black and brown people trust a system where some of its members either verbally, or write their racist views or share racist views?  There is a problem right here in Philadelphia City.  It resonates with the song from the Music Man called “Ya Got Trouble”.  The song goes, ”

Well, either you’re closing your eyes
To a situation you do now wish to acknowledge
Or you are not aware of the caliber of disaster indicated
By the presence of racist in your community . Well, ya got trouble, my friend, right here,
I say, trouble right here in Philadelphia City.
Yup.  Anyone who has ever seen the play the Music Man, can see where the words have been altered to point out the issue in this story.

Gawker magazine was questioning if Philadelphia was the most racist city in America.  Philadelphia: Most Racist City in America?  Hopefully not.

There has to be a dialogue in America regarding race.  The first thing that has to happen occur is the acceptance there is a problem.  Especially in policing, where racism can cost lives.