Captain Drew Techner Racist Tirade

Captain Drew Techner, formerly of the 18th District, allegedly went on a racist rant about Black Commanders in the Police Department.  After a two month hiatus at the 18th District, Techner was bounced to night command.  The blatant disrespect and dishonor he bought upon the Department in the 18th District operations room, was deplorable.

The irony wasn’t lost on the police officers assigned to the 18th District, who not so long ago, had to bear the racist rant about their then-Black Commander, Captain Robyn Wimberly.  Wimberly was called a “banana eating monkey” by Corporal Robert Pawlowski.

The vile assault was made inside the FOP Lodge 5, where a group of police officers were gathered.  Pawlowski was annoyed by the fact that white officers and black officers were engaged.  Pawlowski, whose brother was killed in the line of duty in 2009, decided to let the white officer know he was doing something wrong in his view.  Pawlowski asked the white officer “why are you over there” and “they don’t like you”.

By all accounts, Pawlowski was not inebriated.  Undeterred by the officer moving away, Pawlowski approached the officer again and told him not to trust his partner because “he is one of them”.  When the officer told Pawlowski that he trusted his partner with his life, Pawlowski told him the only reason he was receiving certain perks, like training, is because “he is a nigger” (referring to his partner).

The officer reported the racist vile conduct of the Corporal.  As a result, he was suspended for 30 days and transferred to the 24th District.

In the current environment in our country, we are more divided than ever.  No one should be subjected to a Police Captain, feeling comfortable enough to allegedly make racist remarks in an operations room of any district, much less a district sitting in a predominately black community.  Leaders set the tone.  A leader who knows the recent history in that district, still felt comfortable enough to make racist comments is appalling.  How can the community feel comfortable in meetings and other interactions with someone of his ilk.

Among his colleagues in the Police Department, he is considered incompetent, weird or both. Many of his colleagues have openly wondered how he got promoted to the rank of Captain in the first place.

Techner has a dubious background concerning taking civil service test while ascending the ranks within the department.  Techner, who is also  Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Reserves, has strategically been able to take test, because he was performing his military service.  To be clear, our hero’s in the military should be given every opportunity to not be punished because of their honorable service to our great country. However;  the test given should be different, both oral and written examinations.

As a Lieutenant Colonel, he has the ability to modify his schedule in the reserves.  It would be very easy for a ranking officer to change his schedule to “conveniently” have military duty on the weekend of the civil service test.  This is a loophole that should be remedied by producing a totally different test so the Techner’s of the world isn’t given an unfair advantage.

It’s not a great feat, to take a test a month or two later than everyone else, and manage to score high enough to get promoted when soon after the test, everyone who was tested is talking about the test.  This seems like an unfair advantage.  And in the case of Techner, it seems awfully convenient.  Ironically, Techner is a “certified fraud examiner”.

Techner was also disciplined when he was assigned to Northeast Detectives for being outrageously insubordinate to his supervisor.  Clearly, the charge of insubordination didn’t prevent him from easily moving between ranks, most of the time, by himself.

Techner participates in the Veteran’s ceremonies, much to his credit, and again, we thank him for his service, but he can keep his racist views to himself.  It’s almost an affront to see pictures of Techner with the same Black Commanders whom he obviously does not respect or value.


A Drew Techner “private” promotion with a Black Commander.

It’s even worst for his minority subordinates to know their Captain feels this way.  Imagine the three hero cops feelings having to work with this guy. That has to be extremely awkward.

The Divided States Of America, which is how many people are referring to our country, should not apply to our law enforcement agencies.  The remarks allegedly made by Techner were polarizing and serves no useful purpose.

Sources close to Techner revealed his “affinity” for Fenway Park and the Boston Red Sox. They speculated what his position would be concerning the fan who called Baltimore outfielder Adam Jones a racial slur during a recent game there.  Techner is allegedly a rabid Red Sox fan and is known to go to games at Fenway Park.

Good for Commissioner Richard Ross for promptly taking action.  And Civil Service need to take another look at how and what kinds of exams are given to people who cannot take the civil service examinations when they are scheduled for everyone else.

Techner cannot be trusted to interact with the general public.  Techner should be in an assignment where his chances of interacting with the public is significantly reduced.  The military should also be made aware of his behavior.  There are places Techner could be assigned where his offensive comments, and incompetence will have the least impact on the general public and on his fellow officers.  The Police Department can ill-afford to have the likes of him, cause them another black eye.  No pun intended.


Major Drew Techner with Former Mayor Michael Nutter at a Veteran’s ceremony.


Techner presenting a Black Commander, former Deputy Police Commissioner Stephen Johnson at a ceremony.

Philadelphia Police Inferno Affairs

Things are heating up in Internal Affairs.  It has been reported for years about the goings on in the unit that is supposed to oversee the Philadelphia Police Department.

It has been reported that there will be a major shake-up within “Inept Affairs”.  Inept Affairs has always had a reputation for protecting bad cops, and retaliating against whistleblowers who make their job more difficult.

Unfortunately for the good cops who work there, they have often been transferred and end up being disciplined for not going along with the official “conclusion”, or story that Internal Affairs higher-ups designate for each case.  If the officer doesn’t want to go with the “official” story, then he or she will have pay the price.

Bad cops in Philadelphia know there is little chance of being bought to justice by Internal Affairs.  They have enjoyed solitude and silence from the Bureau.  The cases of Thomas Liciardello and his crew, Jeffrey Cudjik Cujdik Fired-Not Charged and his crew, Harold Lloyd and his crew, Christopher Hulmes Hulmes Arrested Jeopardizes Numerous Narcotics Cases and Raymond Murphy is proof of this.

The cases of Liciardello, Cudjik and Lloyd, in which IA had received many complaints about their misdeeds, and basically failed to take action.  In the matter of the latter, Lloyd did receive a suspension for the LIHEAP theft.   Christopher Hulmes was only prosecuted many years after his crime of perjury, after a whistleblower bought his criminal conduct to the attention of the mainstream media.  Internal Affairs Knew About Allegations Against Narcotics Cops

Liciardello and his five co-defendant were acquitted by Federal Jury.  Cudjik was reinstated to the Police Department by an arbitrator as was Liciardello and four of his co-defendants.  Perry Betts, the sixth, was fired again because, according to sources, failed the drug test to be re-hired by the department.  Acquitted Cop To Be Fired Again

As of this writing, despite compelling evidence against Raymond Murphy, he has yet to be charged with theft of services for the money he stole from PECO.  Unlike Aisha Perry at her private residence, Murphy had a device on his meter.  Also unlike Aisha Perry, who has maintained her innocence and provided her PECO bills as evidence, Murphy had single digit bills, while Perry had higher than normal bills.

What is the difference?  This is proof Inept Affairs protect the crooked and persecute whistleblowers.  Perry had been known to report misconduct.

Hulmes walked away from felonies with an ARD.Disgrace in Philadelphia; Lying Cop Gets ARD The District Attorney’s Office continued to call an admitted liar, who lied in front of a sitting Judge in open court, even though they knew he was a liar.  One brave ADA, AJ Thomson, who stood up, was fired.  His then superior, was Jackie McCauley, who was married to a Narcotics Officer, Joseph McCauleyDA Reports Lying Cop

Murphy and Lloyd haven’t been prosecuted, despite Lloyd’s guilty plea on his disciplinary charges.  Murphy continues to work as if nothing happened.  It should be noted that the ADA in the Hulmes case and Doug DiEmido case had the same prosecutor, Terri Domsky, as Aisha Perry.  The contrasts in the outcomes of the cases are startling.  DiEmedio was subsequently charged in a multi-million dollar insurance scam.  DiEmedio was given probation in the PECO theft, in which PECO had him on film stealing electricity.  DiEmedio Arrested Again For Insurance Scam

Officer Edward Sawicki was immediately charged for having an argument off-duty that allegedly had a racial component to it.Cop Charged with Terrorist Threats  One has to wonder why?

Cops get into off-duty arguments everyday and even if he did call someone a name,  should he be arrested for it?  Adding insult to injury, it was just decided last week, he would not be retried.  Resident Racist John Pawlowski wasn’t prosecuted, and shouldn’t have been either, but he should have been fired.  But Sawicki was charged and fired.  A Common Pleas jury acquitted the officer earlier this year.  Cop Acquitted

Fredric McQuiggan, the webmaster of the racist and alleged defunct website,Injunction-Read Lawsuit Here “”, was never disciplined for allegedly using city computers on city time to mediate his forum of intolerance.  Racist Police Website Shut Down

Vincent Testa, who recently committed suicide one day before he was allegedly to be arrested and in which Officer Anthony Magsam was arrested, enjoyed the protection of IA.  Once again, whistleblowers, who went outside the department, bought these two alleged crimes to light.  But Leonard Logan and Andrew Little paid a steep price.  They have filed a whistleblower lawsuit.  Top Cops Punish Whistleblowers

The irony in the Testa case is the boldness in which he used his rank to intimidate anyone who even thought about reporting the stolen gun parts that Magsam had taken, and was later found in his home after a search warrant was issued.  Magsam was subsequently charged, despite IA’s refusal to charge him.Cop Arrested For Gun Parts Theft

It took years.  And during the investigation, even after Testa embarrassed the Police Department, he was merely kicked out of the Firearms Unit and put in  a district.  He was only put in DPR after six years, when his arrest was imminent.  Testa took the easy way out, he killed himself.  Testa Commits Suicide

One has to wonder what Sawicki did to deserve such treatment for an off-duty argument.  At least his life will not be further interrupted and he can return to his job.  Maybe Sawicki should have started a “love” affair with the amorous city prosecutors.

Under the previous administrations of John Norris, Steve Johnson and Pat Fox, it had long be rumored bad cops were taken care of.  Norris and Fox it was rumored, actually went out of their way to get cops they disliked, while Johnson was called “Nero”, because he did nothing to stop it. From most sources, Johnson was a genuine nice guy.  Maybe too nice.

Rumor has it that toward the end of Johnson’s reign at the helm of IA, the facade began to disintegrate.  Johnson began to see what was going on around him and the last days at IA was uncomfortable.  Allegedly, Fox had an all out war with Denise Turpin.  Turpin was constantly being disrespected by Mark Everitt, who, as only a Captain, allegedly decided he could disrespect Turpin because she didn’t count.  It was reported that Johnson, who told Turpin he would not remove Everitt from her command, lost the battle.  Sources in IA has reported their opinion is that Everitt is a racist and it is alleged he has a long history of being confrontational with minority officers.  Under that guise, it is apparent why he experienced difficulty working under Turpin and wanted to get away.

Shortly thereafter;  Fox moved Everitt to another squad, even after Johnson promised the move wouldn’t occur.  Johnson was reportedly furious, but failed to stop the move.  Ouch!

Therefore; Laverne Vann should understand how George Fuchs felt comfortable enough to become confrontational with her.  If a subordinate, as in the case of Everitt and Turpin, could blatantly disrespect a superior officer, understandably, peer-to-peer, all bets are off.  Professionalism is out the window.  White male ego supersede common sense and professionalism.

It was a big story when now Lieutenant Nashid Akil was promoted in the media.  Controversial Cop Gets Promotion.  Where was the media story when Charlie Green, who was disciplined after several cops in the Vice Unit stole thousands of dollars from the city and was disciplined, not charged, and ordered the repay the stolen money to the city from their pension plans.  Green was transferred to Internal Affairs after his misdeed and then promoted to Captain.  There was no mainstream media coverage.

What is amazing about Patricia Giorgio-Fox, she sat in judgment of cops and never worked the streets and knew nothing about policing, according to many sources.  Yet she was never

Now working as Chief of Cheltenham Township, John Norris

Rumor has it there will be a major shake-up in Inept Affairs.  It’s long overdue.