Double Standards: Promotions

There are many whispers in the Department about who’s getting promoted and who will be disappointed.

Double Standards never exist, but especially when it comes to promotions.  If you make vile, racist comments, you should not be promoted, period.

There was a recent study conducted by Stanford University that asserts that uncomfortable dialogue is a way to start to combat racism.  The researchers concluded that “you need to stop yelling ‘Racist!’ at anyone who doesn’t see the world exactly as you do. Somehow you need to find enough common ground for a real conversation about race. Very few people are stupid or irredeemably mean.”  We hope this last part is true.

However; rumor has it that Captain Deshawn Beaufort is expected to get 30 days allegedly, for racist remarks.  If true, he needs to join the ranks of Corporal Robert Pawlowski, who rumor has it, will not be promoted.

The Police Department is checking the list, and checking twice, they’re gonna find out who’s been naughty or nice.  There will be a lot of coal given out this season.

Lieutenant Daniel Ginion reportedly, who was fast and reckless with the rules, using the City vehicle to get his work-out on, and took said vehicle, out of the City.  The nemesis of Ginion, Lieutenant Marc Hayes may be added to the naughty list.

Lieutenant Marc Hayes, who reportedly used his cell phone to send inappropriate images to other cops.  Those images were seen by almost anyone who works in East Division.  Therefore, Hayes should be careful before lying to IAB investigators.

Lieutenant Marques Newsome, who reportedly was added to the list, for a litany of offenses, including one, which arguably, he was already punished by getting arrested and fired.   #MeToo is probably being applied because it was applied to Lieutenant Steve O’Brien.

O’Brien was fired for failing a drug test involving illegal steroid use, as O’Brien was involved in a federal investigation that nabbed other cops.  While O’Brien lost the unemployment case, he won his job back.  However; O’Brien was accused of domestic assault by an ex partner.  Either of these would be compelling reasons for O’Brien to be passed over for promotion.

In the charges of domestic assault against Newsome, it was reported that “Newsome allegedly pummeled the woman badly enough that she suffered a broken nose, orbital bone and jaw. She was left with black eyes and gashes that required stitches, and had to be taken to an area hospital by police for treatment”.    However; it has been reported, Newsome has some other issues that must be addressed.

There are allegedly a Sergeant and another Lieutenant who will probably be joining the naughty list.

It is a certainty that folks will bring up Michael Spicer, who was still promoted to the rank of Sergeant, and has still be able to further embarrass the department, even after being acquitted of a myriad of federal crimes.

It’s a head scratcher how Captain Anthony Ginaldi was promoted to Captain after his shenanigans at the Aviation Unit.  Oh yeah, he sued, and lost.  But Ginaldi considered himself a whistleblower, even though he got disciplined by then Captain Kenneth O’Brien, way before he ever hit the 35th.  Captain Mark Fisher was pissed off that Ginaldi, who was married and then 45 years old, was allegedly having an affair with his 23 year old daughter.

Lieutenant Jonathan Josey has alot of company.  Commissioner Richard Ross is not simply rubber stamping a promotion because of a civil service exam.  Ross demands better of his supervisory staff.

It’s a relief to many who have been singled out and retaliated against, and who do not have these kinds of accusations hanging over their head, that sometimes, the system tries to hold everyone to the same high standard.  And not the Double Standard that has been the norm.

Now, watch how these potential promotees become victims.  They’ll cry “wee wee wee” all the way to the FOP.
