Racial Hostility in PPD Narcotics; Lawyer Claims

Attorney Brian R. Mildenberg has been retained by the Guardian Civic League to represent a group of black cops who are alleging there is a “racially hostile work environment in the Narcotics Unit”.

In a press conference held at the Guardian Civic League, a civic organization that represents many black officers, alleges they have hired Mildenberg to initiate a legal complaint against what they describe as a divisive and racially hostile culture within the Narcotics Division.  A laundry list of complaints including a Corporal having a confederate flag on his personal vehicle in the parking lot.

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Chief Inspector Tony Boyle

Specifically named, is Chief Inspector Anthony Boyle and Inspector Raymond Evers, who they claimed have condoned overtly racist acts and officer misconduct by ignoring them. Specifically named who is aggrieved is Staff Inspector Debra Frazier, who also sued Chief Inspector Blackburn for sexual harassment a few years back.

Inspector Raymond Evers was accused of rape by a Temple student and the DA declined to press charges, not because the DA didn’t believe her, according to reports at the time.  Evers allegedly got shit-faced and acted out in a bar in Avalon and gave the Avalon cops a hard time.  Evers allegedly kept saying “you don’t know who you guys are messing with”.  Evers then got into a fight and came out on the losing side of the drunken bar brawl in Avalon.

According to the Philly magazine Evers have disturbing background.  They reported  “The history dates back to 1991, when a 22-year-old Evers and several other men had a “gang-bang” with a 19-year-old woman on a pool table at the Temple University Alpha Phi Delta frat house.

Afterward, she alleged it was a gang rape, and Evers and one other man, Michael Derita, were arrested and charged. (Both men viewed what happened as consensual.) The prosecutor on the case, Dianne Granlund, believed the woman’s claims but decided not to bring the case to trial. The charges were dropped. Granlund explained why she and her boss, D.A. Lynn Abraham, chose not to proceed: “No, she didn’t lie. She didn’t have enough evidence to give us,” she told reporters at one point.  Below find the transcript from Inspector Ever’s appearance on the Wally Kennedy morning show at the time:

The show’s host, Wally Kennedy, asked: “Did you do anything immoral?”
“I believe we did,” Derita said.
“Yes,” said Evers. “If you go back to the Bible, I guess we ate the apple.”

At one point, the TV show’s host, Kennedy, asked: “What kind of man participates in what fraternities call a gang-bang? ”
Evers: “Why don’t we turn the question around? What kind of woman? ”
Kennedy: “No, what kind of man takes part in this kind of thing? ”
Derita: “I would say a man who is using very poor judgment.”
Evers: “It wasn’t a planned thing. It was very spontaneous. And I just want to throw the ball back in your court. What kind of woman? “

Many questioned the fitness of Evers to have any high-profile job in the department.  The accuser of Ever has since committed suicide according to sources.

The ranking supervisors who are responsible for overseeing the unit is accused of encouraging the racial divide through inaction.  The Corporal who proudly flew the confederate flag on his vehicle is allegedly Corporal Gerard Mertz.  The Corporal also reportedly flew one on his desk.

Now in all fairness, Corporal Mertz have been flying that flag for a long time in Narcotics, BEFORE Tony Boyle and Ray Evers got there.  Since Debra Frazier was a Captain and she did nothing about it either.

Other black supervisors, then Lt. Laverne Vann, Sgt. Tony Prince or then Sgt. Anthony Burton also reportedly saw the flag and did nothing either.  Now it’s a problem because Boyle and Evers are there.  It can be easily proven that flag has been proudly waving for years.  Rumor has it that he’s such a confederate flag lover, he wears one under his bike helmet.  And has for years.

The President of the Guardian Civic League is demanding the removal of Boyle and Evers from the Unit.

William Blackburn (retired)