Chief Inspector Boyle: “Anti-White” sentiment among minority officers

Chief Inspector Anthony Boyle said this regarding members of the Philadelphia Police Department.  There is “an anti-white sentiment among some of the minority officers.”

Is this the reason he assaulted Captain Laverne Vann?    This was a national story. 

In the Divided States Of America, opinions like this are best left unsaid.  Much less by a Chief Inspector in the Philadelphia Police Department.   The statement made by Boyle, without proof, is against the stated belief system of the Philadelphia Police Department.

There is currently an environment where people feel comfortable with saying such things.  But an opinion such as this, is best kept to yourself.

Apparently, their “anti-white” sentiment didn’t prevent them from remaining silent on violating the rights of overwhelmingly black defendants, until they themselves were targeted.  Maybe they were “anti-woman beater” as Boyle allegedly physically attacked Captain Laverne Vann.

Maybe, they simply became “anti-corruption” and had enough of following illegal orders from Evers.   Some would argue they were deafening silent too long.  This could be attributed to their desire to remain in their assignments.  The public be damned.

Boyle also stated it is “It is 100 percent about attempts to get nonproductive members of the bureau to become productive or to get rid of them.”  Which most leaders can understand.  It is allegedly this reason, why Boyle clashed with Staff Inspector Debra Frazier.

It is alleged Boyle simply wanted Frazier to actually arrive at work, which rumor has it, that Frazier rarely did.

The story in today’s Inquirer will certainly bolster the lawsuit against Boyle and Evers.  Maybe this is why Frazier is leaving 2 years of DROP on the table to exit early.  In the lawsuit against Evers and Boyle, Frazier and the other plaintiffs, also allege racism.

There have been many allegations about hostility and racism in the Narcotics Bureau for quite some time.

Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) actually said to a New York Times reporter in a piece that was released last week that “White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” He later added, “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

We all know the lessons from history about believing one group is superior to another group.  We all know the lessons from history and what happened in Europe with the “Nationalist” movement by one Adolf Hitler.

Keep your divisive opinion to yourself.  Especially if you allegedly giving orders that are violating the civil rights of mostly minorities.

Chief Inspector Anthony Boyle and Inspector Ray Evers must be made to answer for their dereliction of duty and this case must be reviewed for possible criminal charges.  Dollars to donuts that when their social media accounts are subpoenaed for the civil case, it will be very telling.

Don’t try scrubbing your social media now fellas, it doesn’t work.

Captain Laverne Vann alleged in a lawsuit filed against the City and Boyle and Evers that members of her unit were ordered to falsify property  and chain of custody records on drugs, money and other evidence if arrestees’ on drug charges were willing to flip and testify against others.

While Vann has asserted that she “secretly” asked a 25th District Sergeant, Wali Shabazz, who has his own credibility problems and is currently under investigation for theft, to quickly charge a defendant after being told not to by EversVann also failed in her duty to report this incident immediately.

Evers also has a colorful history which includes drunken fights, trying to abuse his authority down the shore and an allegation of rape of a Temple student.  Philadelphia Magazine warned the Police Department that Evers may be unsuitable for a high-profile job.

Evers “initiative” isn’t the first illegal conduct to go down in the annals of the police department.  Does anyone remember then Captain Thomas Nestel started an “initiative” of taking anyone in the 25th District who didn’t have identification on them?  The Police Counsel’s office stopped that illegal practice after it was reported by a police supervisor.

Vann should have said “NO”!  It was an illegal order.  Vann should have went to the FBI, if she was fearful.  Vanns’ response also fell short.

Unfortunately, Officer Nathaniel Harper will probably catch the most heat.  At least he verbalized that he felt he had to “follow orders”.  Even orders that he felt were illegal and wrong.  Does the Nuremberg trials come to mind for anyone?

It should be noted that retaliation is a real fear in the Police Department.  However; this is where your personal integrity and moral compass takes over.  Just Say NO!!!

Boyle and Evers are in deep doggy doo.   But so is everyone who engaged in this pattern and practice of illegal and immoral conduct.

There will probably be alot of cases thrown out because of their malfeasance.  The Internal Affairs report concluded that “This investigation SUSTAINED that Chief Inspector Anthony Boyle” “failed to supervise.”

The report also concluded “This investigations SUSTAINED that Inspector Raymond Evers”, “abused his authority and SUSTAINED that he failed to supervise his subordinates.”

“Additionally it is SUSTAINED that Inspector Raymond Evers” “lied during this investigation.”

The ball is now in the court of Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner.  The report also stated the District Attorney’s Office had not been notified about the cases the actions of these officers.

Now Krasner is aware.  Knowledge is Power.


Double Standards: Captain Joe Bologna

Here we go again.  Captain Joseph Bologna, the same Joseph Bologna, is set to be promoted when the promotions happen in the upcoming week.  This double standard is particularly disturbing because Bologna squeezed through the door of not being assigned to DPR with his entire squad while he was a Sergeant in Narcotics.

That’s right.  All of his employees, who were under investigation for five years, Officer Jeffrey Cudjik, Richard Cudjik, Thomas Tolstoy and Robert McDonnell were accused of all kinds of criminal activity and departmental violations, all who were pulled off the streets, EXCEPT, one then-Sergeant Joseph Bologna.  Bologna also had a guest role in the Philadelphia Daily News Pulitzer Prize winning series “Tainted Justice”.  Tainted Justice Wins Pulitzer Prize  It was touted as a story about “the renegade Narcotics cops and the snitch who snitched on them.”

The feds eventually declined to prosecute the officers.  Shortly thereafter, the District Attorney’s Office declined to prosecute stating they didn’t “want to duplicate” the effort. All the officers were eventually disiplined, including Bologna, who received a three-day suspension.  Narcotics Cops Including Supervisor Suspended-One Fired

Officer Jeffrey Cudjik was eventually fired and has since been returned to his job. Cudjik Reinstated

Bradley Bridge, of the Public Defender’s office stated at the time he was “surprised” they weren’t charged in light of the overwhelming evidence against the motley crew.  But their supervisor, Sergeant Joseph Bologna was never even taken off the streets.  Bologna, did, however; down the road, receive admonishment for “failure to supervise”.

The Philadelphia Daily News reported “In a move unrelated to the federal investigation, Capt. Joseph Bologna was found by the department to have failed to properly supervise Richard Cujdik because he was present when Cujdik searched the car, the sources said.”Narcotics Cops Won’t Be Prosecuted.

Last time we checked, Officer Christopher Hulmes was finally fired and charged for lying on a warrant.  Price Of Lying Narcotics Cop  But it was only after a long battle with Hulmes being reported by an honest ADA, AJ Thomson, who eventually lost his job.  DA Reports Lying Narcotics Cop

Sergeant Joseph Bologna was present as his cops guzzled hoagies and Little Debbie’s snacks while raiding the store.  According to the Daily News, “Then Sgt. Bologna looks up and waves his finger toward the ceiling: “Whaddya got, cameras over there? . . . Where are they hooked up to?”  And then, the wires were cut.  The complainants of at least 8 other stores says that was that squads modus operandi.  The complainant in this case, had a back-up hard drive that captured the officers illegal actions.  The complainant said $10,000 was missing that wasn’t put on property receipts and cartons of cigarettes were also missing.  Video Here

According to the Philadelphia Daily News, “After the series ran, dozens of lawsuits were filed, and 55 criminal cases were challenged by defense lawyers who questioned the officers’ credibility. In all, the city settled 33 lawsuits and paid settlements totaling $1.7 million.”  Lawsuit and Tossed Cases

Joe Bologna, who worked with FOP President John McNesby when he was a police officer assigned to the 24th District, has been spared and rewarded many times during his career. However; nothing could save him from the embarrassment the department received from the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, who refused to allow Bologna to attend.  POW! SHOTS FIRED.

Bologna, who was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, without a worry in the world, while his entire unit was sitting in DPR for alleged high crimes and misdemeanors, while Bologna continued to climb the ranks, with not a care in the world.  Once more, Bologna was promoted to the rank of Captain, only two days before the civil service promotional list for the rank of Captain was going to expire.  Once again, no problems for BOLOGNA.  The next day, the new civil service list for Captain was published and Joe Bologna was very last on the list.  But no problem for Joey.  He was promoted on the old civil service list.

Now, Bologna is set to be promoted to Staff Inspector and he is allegedly bragging about his new assignment, but supposedly, it’s a secret.  Many are betting he won’t be assigned to the duties of other Staff Inspector’s and won’t be confronted about his past in Narcotics, nor his ability to get a clearance to get into the FBI Academy.

Maybe the FBI wanted nothing to do with a guy who is present while his cops are lying on search warrants, cutting wires when he suspects he is being recorded, and his squad costs the city millions in lawsuits and at least 33 narcotics cases thrown out.  Yet his employer only charges him with “failure to supervise” while allowing him to continually ascend the rank.  The FBI politely declined to his appointment to the FBI Academy.  We agree.

On the same note, Lieutenant Javier Rodriguez, a past recipient of “Double Standards” is also set to be promoted to the rank of Captain.  Many are curious if he too, will be confronted about his unceremonious boot from the Narcotics Unit, with Corporal Reinaldo Peluzzo, after the two was given formal disciplinary action because of their misdeeds involving theft.  They both were booted from the Narcotics Unit.


Rodriguez was also assigned to the 24th District with Bologna and McNesby during the same era, as well as resident thief, Lieutenant Raymond Murphy. Murphy was the only one who wasn’t charged with stealing electricity after a ring of thieves were arrested in Bucks County.  PECO Thieves  The same 24th District where resident racist Corporal Robert Pawlowski is currently assigned.  Police Officer Suspended for Making Racial Slurs At FOP

Many are betting odds that Murphy didn’t even attempt to take the Captain’s test.  Lieutenant Murphy is watching the clock tick and paying restitution to PECO.  Lieutenant Nicholas Schneider had no problem getting promoted to Lieutenant from Sergeant even though he allegedly falsified and Daily Attendance Record by carrying him as going to Municipal Police Officers training for almost 10 days, when the training was only 3 days.  Schneider also allegedly isn’t allowed to testify in court because of a lack of integrity.  Yet, he was still promoted.  His promotion was actually held up by a few days, but he was still promoted.

Apparently it pays to have worked with McNesby because each of these police officers  committed serious infractions and alleged criminal acts and yet they continue to ascend through the ranks of the Philadelphia Police Department.

Too bad resident woman slapper Lieutenant Jonathan Josey wasn’t assigned to the 24th District.  But hell, he did get a fund-raiser and a solid from District Attorney Seth Williams, who only charged him with the slap, as opposed to false arrest and a litany of other charges that would have been more difficult for a Judge to toss out.  But Josey still hasn’t been promoted.  And Josey is probably feeling pretty angry since the Police Department, rightfully so, has fought his promotion every inch of the way.  No Promotion For Cop Who Slapped Woman


In the interim, others who are on the civil service promotional list, are being interrogated and in at least one instance, having to deal with the humiliation of a flyer being posted around the district questioning his ability to be a supervisor.  Yet there isn’t an investigation of this dubious flyer.  It’s being passed around like some of the ADA’s at a FOP night at Lodge 5 Headquarters.

There also isn’t an investigation into how some people tend to get promoted, in spite of an obvious lack of integrity and in Bologna’s instance, a “failure to supervise” charge.  That’s a pretty serious charge for someone who is now going to supervise even more people.

Double Standards should have no room in the Philadelphia Police Department.  Cops who constantly misbehave and continually to move up in the ranks is disturbing.  Inspector Carl Holmes, who committed pretty bad acts, under his own admission, was still demoted. Captain Joe Bologna received no such action. Apparently the more you act up, allegedly break laws and outright steal, you have little or nothing to worry about when it comes time for a promotion.

In summary, Captain Joseph Bologna isn’t accepted at the FBI Academy, has disciplinary action for “failure to supervise”, but knows he will be getting promoted and even what he will do doing.  Bologna has nothing to worry about. Oh, except for the FBI not wanting him anywhere near their grounds.

There are other officers who are brow-beat at these “interviews”, for a civil service promotion and have to endure rumors and innuendo about minor infractions or, simply rumors.   But these are the very ones that get promoted, despite pretty bad records or accusations.  Some cops because of their misdeeds don’t deserve to be promoted.   We say that is B-O-L-O-G-N-A.

Meanwhile, the beat goes on for other officers, who have relatively minor blemishes or have no disciplinary action at all, sit and wonder if they will be promoted because of rumors, or flyers being distributed throughout the department without a whiff of an investigation as to the culprits who authored the flyer or distributed it.  This certainly sends a message.

Whistleblowers and minority officers………….BEWARE.   Or simply, need not apply.